Category Archives: Character

All The Good Things…

May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things

your faith prompts you to do. 2 Thessalonians 1:11


I’ve been reading through the New Testament and that verse caught my attention this morning.  I’ll be honest, my first thought was about a project I’ve been working on for almost a year that is almost finished. (You’ll hear more about that soon).


My second thought was about you.  Every week over 50 of you visit Church Planter Profiles and complete the Initial Screening Assessment because your faith has prompted you to do something good – start a new church.


Here is an essential truth: you can plant a church, but only the Holy Spirit can make it grow.  It is the Holy Spirit who plants churches, and He does that through people who have faith to pay attention to his promptings and pray constantly for his power.  A vision and strategy are essential, but they are a poor substitute for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.  Your gifts and abilities are valuable, but only when they are empowered by the Holy Spirit.


I’d encourage you to ask yourself the same two questions I asked myself:

  1. Am I doing the good things the Holy Spirit has prompted me to do?
  2. Am I trusting in the Holy Spirit for the power to do it?

Know this – I am praying that He will give you the power to accomplish ALL the good things your faith prompts you to do!